Whist's Page

Hot Cross BUns' Whist - blue Holland Lop baby pet doe on beige background
Hot Cross BUns' Whist - blue Holland Lop baby pet doe on beige background

About Whist...

Date of Birth: December 2, 2024
Parents: Rosie & Gumption
Color: Solid blue
Gender: female (doe)
Status: Available for placement on or after January 27th.
Placement Fee: $325

Whist is a beautiful blue baby girl who is already a queen at giving side-eye. She has a wonderfully wide forehead and small ears that make her more correct Holland Lop type apparent.

Whist is an Observant girl, through and through! Although she enjoys cuddling on a cozy lap, she needs to be gently convinced of this. Patient people who don't mind a bunny with a cat-like, judgmental demeanor would do well with Whist.

She is giving off "Diva" vibes and will look upon her family as her servants. Although she hasn't yet demonstrated this trait, we believe she will soon be giving thumps of disapproval to punctuate her displeasure when things don't go the way she wants them to. Whist is a hoot in her own way and we adore her for it!

Whist doesn't mind well-behaved cats, disapproves of dogs in general, and tolerates people who treat her with all due reverence. Her family will belong to her; she will NOT belong to them (at least in her mind.)

Whist is a lower energy girl and scores a 2-4,

As the Hot Cross Buns are raised to be pampered pets, we do require the signing of a Spay/Neuter Agreement as part of our placement paperwork. Please speak to your rabbit-knowledgeable vet to inquire about their services and fees.

All of the baby Buns go to their new homes with a bag full of goodies including: a packet of bunny care information, a small bag of transition food and hay, a snack baggie of old-fashioned raw oats for treats, a toy, and a fleece snuggle mat.

UPDATE 2/7/25...Whist's personality is coming out more and more. She's pretty quiet and serious initially, but when she relaxes, she really lets loose and has a great time. She has some fun binky moves, loves to boop and then goes diggy-diggy, a has done some incredible flops. She makes us crack up!

If no one expresses interest in this beauty pretty soon, we may pull her listing and keep her as a future breeding doe. I think she'd enjoy life much more as a pampered pet, though.