Prior to completing the NBQ,
we ask you read through the following...

New Bun Questionnaire

(AKA the NBQ)

New Bun Questionnaire

Helpful Tips Before Beginning...
  • Read through the NBQ in its entirety.
  • Email us at if you have any questions or need further explanation pertaining to any of the questions before you officially begin filling the NBQ out.

  • Fill it out when you have time to provide thorough responses so we can envision your life and the type of Bun who will be a great fit for you. We always want to help if something isn't clear.
  • Please be completely honest. If your household tends to be noisy, and rather chaotic, don't tell us you have a tidy, calm home where people are always quiet and voices are never raised. A Social Butterfly Bun would have a blast in an ever-changing environment, so there can still be a great Bun match in your future.
  • Be sure to save your completed form before submitting it. You do not want to have to re-type all those answers again!
  • Please remember that submitting this questionnaire does not mean automatic approval for being matched with a Bun.
  • We will contact you via email if we have further need of clarification pertaining to any of your responses.
  • Enjoy the process! We whole-heartedly believe in our (unofficial) motto that God brings the right family for the right Bun at the right time. It can be difficult to wait when you have your heart set on having a precious bunny to love and enjoy right away, but we believe in and trust in the steps that occur from your first contact with us until the day we place your Bun in your waiting arms. We hope you will believe in what we do, too!


From time to time there is an issue in submitting the NBQ. To prevent the need to complete the NBQ a second time, we ask that you complete the form, copy it, and paste it into a word processing document before you hit the SUBMIT button. You can then copy and paste your form into an email sent to if you don't receive the "Success" message after you press the submit button.

Happy Holland Lop GIF designed especially for Hot Cross Buns
Happy Holland Lop GIF designed especially for Hot Cross Buns