Rummy's Page

Now named Bugz

Hot Cross Buns' Rummy - Opal Holland Lop buck on black background
Hot Cross Buns' Rummy - Opal Holland Lop buck on black background

About Rummy...

Date of Birth: December 2, 2024
Parents: Rosie & Gumption
Color: Solid opal
Gender: male (buck)
Status: Reserved for Iyana C.
Placement Fee: $350 ($300 due on pick up)

Rummy is a very handsome opal buck. His coat is a tad longer than a typical for a Holland Lop, and is soft and fluffy.

Rummy is a very mellow and laid back boy. We can pick him up and love on him easily. He doesn't like to be taken by surprise and will startle and panic if you reach for him from behind when he doesn't know you're there. This is typical rabbit behavior, but he takes a lot longer to calm down and settle into his quieter state of being. He is a very deep sleeper so we often watch him closely to make sure he's actually breathing.

Rummy's personality is that of an Observant Cuddle Bun. Other than eating, drinking, sleeping, snuggling, and watching the world go by, he doesn't really do a lot. He's a smooshy boy and loves to be warm and content. He will occasionally hop a little bit beyond his comfort zone, but quickly returns to the places he feels safe and happy. He scores in the 1-3 range for energy, so is a very quiet little buck.

It could be that he's so surrounded by females (his mama and three sisters) that he hasn't really had the opportunity to test boundaries and fully find his personality, but we suspect that what you see is what you get when it comes to Rummy. He's a very easy Bun to love.

As the Hot Cross Buns are raised to be pampered pets, we do require the signing of a Spay/Neuter Agreement as part of our placement paperwork. Please speak to your rabbit-knowledgeable vet to inquire about their services and fees.

All of the baby Buns go to their new homes with a bag full of goodies including: a packet of bunny care information, a small bag of transition food and hay, a snack baggie of old-fashioned raw oats for treats, a toy, and a fleece snuggle mat.