Meet Loofah
Interesting Facts About Loofah:
Loofah was born on June 1st, to Henrietta and Finnegan
We are still trying to discern his color. He is either a broken sable point or broken chocolate. He has both colors in his pedigree, and looks like both colors, depending upon the lighting.
He was one of three bucks born in his litter. His brothers were originally called Funion (solid blue) and Pringles (solid sable point).
His original name was "Cheese Ball" but it didn't really suit him.
We decided to retain him as a future breeding buck after his Uncle Pumpkin Roll (broken orange) passed away. His death left us with only one broken patterned rabbit in our breeding herd and we knew it would be wise to increase our number or brokens, to keep the possibility of more broken-patterned kits available in the rabbitry.
Loofah is a sweetly shy little buck. He has moments of playfulness, but tends to be more of a bashful, observant cuddly boy.
We hope he will be ready to sire his first litter in December or January.