Meet Gumption
Interesting Facts About Gumption:
Gumption was born on April 5, 2024, at Blueberry Hill rabbitry.
He is a solid lilac false dwarf buck
Because he is a false dwarf, he does not carry a copy of the dwarf gene, which means he is incapable of passing it on to his offspring. Because of this, none of the litters he sires will contain peanuts, who carry two copies of the dwarf gene and die after a few days.
Gumption is a very cautious buck and we have been working very hard to gain his trust. It's coming painfully slowly, but he will now sniff our faces and boop our hands...sometimes.
Our hope is to pair him with Henrietta for some chocolate and lilac babies when he is old enough to breed in early October.
Although we are still getting to know this little guy, we can tell he has a sweet spirit with a desire to binky and play. He is just too timid and skittish to let loose and go full-on goofy bunny. The day he finally does will be so wonderful!
Gumption is very much an Observant boy, but we know there are many other facets of his temperament we can't wait to see,
Evelyn named Gumption because we are in need of some good breeding bucks with lots of gumption to get the job done, rather than snuggle beside the girls for a grooming session.
We know he is very gangly and awkward right now, but we see glimpses of the very handsome buck he will grow up to be in another year or so, after he fills out.