Francesca's Page
Interesting Facts About
Francesca's nickname is Frankie, which is what we typically call her
She is a very beautiful magpie doe.
Frankie was born on March 15, 2022.
Her parents are HCB's Smudge and HCB's Hamish. Both are now retired and are enjoying their lives as pampered pets.
Based upon her genetics, we believe that Frankie carries the Vienna Gene, as her markings are not consistent with a true "broken" Holland Lop.
Her original name was Taquito, and her litter mates were called Guacamole, Chimichanga, Tortilla, and Fajita. They were our Tex-Mex babies!
Francesca is a serious doe and is very observant. She can be very playful, but she has to be in just the right mood.
She LOVES banana and parsley, but turns her nose up at fresh basil and cilantro.
We're digging through all of her photos and will take some new ones very soon. She is not the easiest doe to photograph, so we need to work on taking more. She is such a pretty girl!
Because she has had some light orange markings on her face/ears throughout her life, it is possible she is a harlequin, rather than a magpie. Her overall coloring is more suggestive of a magpie, so that's what we call her.
Francesca was spayed on July 23rd.
About Francesca...
Date of Birth: March 15, 2022
Color: Broken/VM magpie/harlequin
Gender: spayed female (doe)
Parents: Smudge (retired) & Hamish (retired)
Status: Available to clients with approved New Bunny Questionnaire status
Availability date: On or after September 6, 2024
Placement Fee: $250 ($100 for Francesca and $150 spay fee)

Francesca is a very interesting girl. She likes to watch the goings on around her. If she can't see what's happening and is intrigued, she will try her best to find a better vantage point from which to observe. She can't resist "being in the know" so we know she has a healthy dose of busy-bunny added to her more demure and observant Bun-isms. Frankie has also been known to break into zoomies without warning, and has scared the spit out of us, so we think she also has a slightly mischievous side, too. She is not terribly fond of people reaching into her cage space (she has never lunged or bitten, but withdraws into a corner and looks quite alarmed and suspicious of the violation of her personal space) so would do best with an open door at times when she can be supervised, so she can slip in and out unobtrusively of her own volition. She would love to be entrusted as a free-roam girl at some point, when her litter box habits are reliable. She is much more relaxed when living in an exercise pen, rather than a very large cage space.
Francesca has not caught on to using her litter box while here, but we hope that with her recent spay and being away from the sight and scent of all of the other Buns in the rabbitry, she will catch on quickly and become a reliable litter box user. She is a very intelligent girl and is definitely capable.
Frankie is not terribly fond of barking dogs, but quiet dogs are fine. An occasional bark will alarm her temporarily, as it does with most people, but continual yapping will annoy her. She prefers cats, if given a choice. She has not been around children, so we can't presume to know how she would do with younger people. Our belief is that she would be interested in them (and their toys) initially, giving an sniff and quick inspection of everyone and everything involved, but then would settle down to observe. Children who have been taught to respect animals' space and naptimes would most likely become beloved members of her inner circle.
Evelyn and I can't decide how she would potentially do as a bonding bunny for a neutered buck. She might be initially interested but then resort to her observant behavior, or she could fall in love and become absolutely besotted. We will put her in a pen with a buck in a separate pen beside her to gauge her response after she has another few weeks to recover from her spay.
Frankie is a bigger, false dwarf doe and is on the long and lanky side. At the time of her spay, she weighed 4lbs, 10oz. Her ideal family will be gentle, patient, and have plenty of time to work with her, as she learns how to enjoy her new life as a beloved pet. She is a great Bun and is incredibly lovely.
1/1/25 UPDATE...After our doe Theodosia was placed with her new family in October, we moved Francesca into her former cage space, where Francesca now receives much more interaction throughout the day, as she is set up in our spacious laundry/craft supply storage room. Four or five loads of laundry (at a minimum) is typical for our larger family and all the Bun laundry, so we're always in and out, talking and playing with Frankie. She has a single story KW Bunny Villa cage with an exercise pen attached to it, so has a fair amount of space to call her own. Her new favorite thing to is play "turtle". She maneuvers herself under a shallow box from Aldi (the kind that holds canned biscuit containers) and scuttles around underneath it. It's so funny to watch her do it! In all of our comings and goings, we sometimes startle her and she does a jump/run/binky combo all around the pen, as she plays off the fact that we "got her" and she has to convince herself (and us) that we didn't take her by surprise. She has rather a large ego. We're hopeful that with so much continued interaction, she may become more accustomed to life as a pet Bun, and will soon be chosen by a special person/family interested in an older, already spayed doe. Francesca still loves her "Diggy Box" and that is her go-to activity.