Hopscotch's Page
About Hopscotch...
Date of Birth: December 3, 2024
Parents: Quinoa & Sullivan
Color: Solid cream
Gender: female (doe)
Status: Available for placement on or after January 28th.
Placement Fee: $325
Hopscotch is a lovely cream doe with longer ears that are leading us to suspect she's going to be a bigger girl, although she is quite petite now.
Hopscotch reminds us a lot of her sire, Sullivan. He was wide-eyed and timid when we first brought him home, but became more confident and assured of our love as we interacted with him gently over time. He now loves cuddles and attention. We believe the same prescription for success will work wonders for Hopscotch when she's letting her reserved and observant side dominate her demeanor. We see glimpses of a Cuddle Bun as well, and hope that this facet of her personality will bloom when she has been placed with her loving person/family.
Hopscotch was the first Bun in her litter to learn to zoom up and down the ramp in their cage space, so we know she has some curiosity and adventuresome behavior deep inside. We suspect, when she has learned to love and trust her family and gains more confidence, that she will blossom into a middle-of-the-road doe. Currently, her energy level is about a 2-4, so pretty quiet for now, but she could get a bit busier as she learns and grows.
As the Hot Cross Buns are raised to be pampered pets, we do require the signing of a Spay/Neuter Agreement as part of our placement paperwork. Please speak to your rabbit-knowledgeable vet to inquire about their services and fees.
All of the baby Buns go to their new homes with a bag full of goodies including: a packet of bunny care information, a small bag of transition food and hay, a snack baggie of old-fashioned raw oats for treats, a toy, and a fleece snuggle mat.